From a life of multiple addictions to a life of...
Read more about SueWhen Liana arrived for her first meeting with Workwise it was clear she was ready to find employment. In fact, she already had an interview to prepare for!
Liana had moved to Hamilton to be near her family. She had previously been in employment, but suffered from anxiety and depression and struggled to keep a job.
By the time she came to Workwise for support Liana was managing the anxiety and depression with support from her GP and a naturopath.
Liana had already prepared an up-to-date CV before meeting with Mere, her Workwise employment consultant.
The pair worked closely together and Liana quickly gained more self-confidence.
Liana was passionate about helping others, so she and Mere made a plan to focus on the healthcare sector.
“Liana had some experience in that area and also had a future goal to travel overseas on a working holiday. She thought she might easily find work in healthcare while travelling,” says Mere.
“We worked hard to prepare for the interview process; coming up with lists of questions Liana might be asked. We talked a lot about the importance of eye contact and positive communication so she felt comfortable speaking positively about herself and her skills.”
Liana placed as many applications as possible. At first, she received little response and needed lots of encouragement. But before she knew it, Liana received a phone call for an interview and was ecstatic.
After all of the practice interviews with Mere, the real interview went well and Liana was offered the job.
Following the initial excitement, Liana developed some concerns about parts of the job she hadn’t anticipated to be so challenging.
But after discussing these with Mere, who encouraged her to hang in there and reminded her that many people have those feelings to begin with, Liana is now enjoying her work.
“Liana is developing resilience as she works through these challenges with support from her family, her support network and Workwise,” says Mere.