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20 January 2021

Joining the mental health and addiction workforce

If you have experienced mental health or addiction challenges – or those of your whānau – you can make a real difference in the lives of others. You can use your journey to support others in a variety of ways, across peer support and health professional roles.

Workwise is proud to support the Counties Manukau Health AOD Provider Collaborative in improving diversity in the mental health and addiction workforce. If you have experienced mental health or addiction challenges – or those of your whānau – you can make a real difference in the lives of others. You can use your journey to support others in a variety of ways, across peer support and health professional roles.

As addiction and mental health services are expanding, there is an increasing need to grow the workforce. It’s important to ensure that the workforce also reflects the diversity within the local community. To assist with this, the Counties Manukau Collaborative has produced a suite of new resources:

  • Real voices, real insights – A guide for more inclusive recruitment. Recommendations for attracting new people to the mental health and addictions sector. View guide here.
  • Your story can change lives – A video to encourage people with lived experience to join the workforce (used on social media channels).
  • Your Journey – A webpage, in partnership with Workwise, about the workforce and how to join it, including education and training options. Visit the webpage. 

Visit the webpage to find out which career pathway is right for you. If you’re looking for a job, check out the great opportunities waiting for you in South Auckland.

If you have been there, you are needed here. Your story can change lives. Come, and make a difference with us. Join us in work that changes lives.

These insights were developed as part of a co-design project undertaken by the Counties Manukau AoD and Mental Health Provider Collaborative in 2020. Although initially developed for the Counties Manukau region, the materials can be adopted by organisations working in other communities around New Zealand.

The resources have been designed for staff involved with recruitment, people with lived experience and anyone wanting to find out more about different roles and useful qualifications when thinking about joining the mental health and addiction workforce.

Visit to find out more.


Please note: the AOD Provider Collaborative is no longer active, however the resources and information are still available on the website.

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