Connecting to jobs and hope
Workwise and Mahitahi Trust have reached a special milestone with an...
Read more about Connecting to jobs and hopeWorkwise is pleased to share our results for the financial year ending June 2024, including a reflection on the year that has passed and the changing environment.
Workwise supports people facing personal or health challenges to find and keep a job. We help by offering an integrated approach, ensuring employment support is a core part of mental health care and treatment, and in other settings such as housing support.
Integration means employment support is provided much earlier in a person’s recovery, is coordinated with healthcare, and clinical treatment is tailored to support a person’s working life.
Growing our work in housing is a focus. In recent years, Workwise has been integrating employment consultants with Housing First teams, initially with The People’s Project and, more recently, with LinkPeople.
Chief Executive Warren Elwin says that Workwise wants to do more in this space.
By addressing both housing and employment needs simultaneously, we empower people to build secure, self-sufficient futures.
In tightened economic circumstances and a tougher labour market, we know that employment support has a positive impact on people securing work and other opportunities.
Over the past year, we have continued our integration with Te Whatu Ora community mental health teams, with 63 employment consultants integrated in secondary mental health and addiction services.
We value these relationships and the knowledge that together, we’re making a difference.
Workwise and Mahitahi Trust have reached a special milestone with an...
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